Calculate your personal year to determine how the numerology of November impacts you personally.
To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. November 1 birthday = 11 +1 + 2023 (7) = 2 + 1 + 7 = 1 year.
#Numerology runs on a 9 year cycle and each year has a different energy.
1 year: Plant seeds for what you want to accomplish in the 9 year cycle.
2 year: Focus inward, nurture seeds planted in the previous year.
3 year: A creative year. Integrate the two previous years.
4 year: Set up a new foundation. Diligence and commitment.
5 year: Change. Freedom and expansion time. Surprises abound.
6 year: Home, family and relationships. A year of responsibility.
7 year: Inner reflection and self-improvement.
8 year: Management and organization focused. Money flows in greater frequency.
9 year: Completion, endings, letting go and rebirth.
If you are in a 1 personal year, November is a 3 month.
This is your year of new beginnings and planting seeds for what you want to manifest in the next nine years. November is the second time you’ve enjoyed the energy of a 3 this year. The first time was in February. This time, you have the benefit of nine months experience in your 1 year. What more do you want to create in your life? This is the month to add it to your manifest account. 3 vibration is all about creativity, communication and expression in any field. Your imagination is pulsating now, so expand your horizons. Dream big. Don’t sensor yourself. Define what you truly want. Dive into your emotions too as they will be heightened this month. Watch your spending, but it is ok to reward yourself once in a while. Commit to finishing a project; staying positive will reward you in numerous ways. Remember to enjoy yourself because next month, being a 4 month, means you’ll be working hard.
If you are in a 2 personal year, November is a 4 month.
This has been your year of nurturing the manifestations you put out to the Universe last year. A slower year that gives you the freedom to expand on your desires. This is the time to take a closer look and fill in the details about what serves you. October was a social month and playful and fun, while November puts you to work. The 4 vibration is all about setting up a new foundation and keeping your focus. It is necessary to have a solid footing under you for the expansion of the 5 energy next month. Do your work. Be responsible. Concentrate and follow through on your due diligence. Use this energy to complete projects you began last month. This is a detail month, so eliminate unnecessary chaos from your life. Organize your life, get ready for expansion and freedom in December. Remain positive and follow the rules this month. This isn’t a risk taking time, save that for next month. Be responsible and do what you are supposed to do.
If you are in a 3 personal year, November is a 5 month.
November is your month of transition. Freedom and expansion are yours if you have a solid foundation under you. This is a month of change. Some changes you’ve planned, some will be surprises, but there will be change. Growth experiences will present themselves and the 5 energy encourages risk. Pay attention and take advantage of the expansion opportunities presented to you now. Release the restrictions from the previous month energy and start fresh. Now isn’t the time for introspection. You have the creative 3 year energy with you and, this month, you have expansion energy. Both these vibrations allow you to use your unlimited imagination. If you are using your creative energy and working on an art project, do not censor yourself. Use the lucky 3 energy with the expensive 5 energy to take your imagination where it has not gone before. Think outside the box. Go on an adventure. Stay positive and allow the energy to flow.
If you are in a 4 personal year, November is a 6 month.
Home, family and responsibility are the big ones for you in November. Your family will likely need you more now and it is your responsibility to make yourself available. In this 4 year, you’ve been focused on working and being at home may be a short respite for you. Last month brought changes and now is the time to allow for synergy and integration of those changes. It is a balance month, so take time to regain your stability. Spending time at home will give you the opportunity to take care of issues and challenges in your relationships. These few weeks carry the energy to create harmony with your work and family. Make use of this vibration and realign your priorities. Forgiveness, letting go and moving forward will be rewarded. You are setting up a new foundation this year and preparing for the coming changes of a 5 year in 2024. Whatever improvements you make to your home and family will certainly help you in the future.
If you are in a 5 personal year, November is a 7 month.
Lots of changes for you this year, both planned and unexpected. The 7 energy is about going within, so take time this month escape the rapid pace and meditate. Write in a journal, focus inward and use the expansive 5 energy for your personal growth. Take a metaphysical retreat, do a vision quest or something that will improve yourself. It has been a year of freedom and expansion and in November you are able to focus on your inner well-being. Introspection is paramount and with that comes developing your intuition. Connect to your inner guidance and most of all, listen to it. All this inward focus may cause some challenges in your relationships. Take the time and space for your well-being. You need this rejuvenation time now; trust you will emerge, at the end of the month, better for it. Watch your diet and take care of your physical body as well. Replenish yourself with a stroll in nature.
If you are in a 6 personal year, November is a 8 month.
This has been a year of balance. Both the 6 year and now the month of 8 mean a lot of balancing energies. Home, family and relationships have been at the forefront this year, but November is your month to go outward. This is the time to focus on your business and career. Money will come and go more this month than others, so watch your spending. There will be demands on your pocketbook. Your authority may be tested as well. This will be a month of finding your personal power, standing up for yourself and defending your beliefs. Take the lead and listen to your intuition. Your mental capabilities may be stronger this month as well. Take advantage of an opportunity that may enhance your career. Search for harmony in both your outer and inner worlds. Keep a positive attitude and ensure your moral compass points due north. You will be rewarded. Balance your material and spiritual worlds.
If you are in a 7 personal year, November is a 9 month.
As a 9 month, November is a completion of sorts. It’s time to finish up, clean out and release anything you do not want to carry into the future. This is a month for transformation and you may be unsettled if you have trouble letting go. Make room for your next endeavors and allow the space for the December — 1 month — energy to fully blossom. Forgiveness and letting go are a priority as well. This has been a year of personal growth and spiritual expansion. Reap the rewards for your hard work in the past eight months. Take some time for yourself to enjoy. Honor your commitment to your spirituality and allow yourself to enjoy a retreat in nature. Complete what you started eight months ago and work on any unfinished projects. 9 is the number for humanity and this is a good time to serve the greater good. Volunteer at your favorite organization or help a neighbor. Continue to build goodwill.
If you are in a 8 personal year, November is a 1 month.
New beginnings in the end of the year may feel strange, but this is a time to refresh. An 8 year is all about discovering your personal power, and your own authority may be challenged now. 8 energy relates to career, organization, and management. Money has flowed more this year than in previous years. This is an outwardly focused year and requires a lot of work and due diligence. In this 1 month, you have an opportunity to reset. After a year full of career focus, you may have altered your future desires. 1 month carries a new vibration and it’s time to manifest what you want to bring into your life. You’ve worked hard and may now have new ideas about what you want to create. Next year is your year of letting go and closure. It may behoove you to consider now what you no longer need and what doesn’t serve your future. Make a list of what serves you and what belongs in your life and save it in your journal. Make a list of what you no longer desire and burn it.
If you are in a 9 personal year, November is a 2 month.
This has been a year of completions for you. A lot has ended whether you were ready or not. The more open you are, and in the flow, the easier the 9 year is. Last month, as a 1 month, you thought about what you wanted to bring into the future. This month, you can relax and nurture those aspirations. Pay attention to your intuition as it is stronger in the 2 energy. Focus on the details of your endeavors and fill in the blanks. Allow the river to flow — you won’t be able to stop it. Let go, release and allow what is unnecessary in your life to leave peacefully. This makes room for what serves you in the future. Cooperation and diplomacy are key under the 2 vibration. Remain positive and stay on top of your emotions. This is a sensitive time for you. Keep your balance. Take time to help others and be of service to humanity. Find harmony in a quiet rhythm.