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The Numerology of October 2023

Writer's picture: Suzan OwensSuzan Owens

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Calculate your personal year to determine how the #numerology of October 2023 impacts you individually.

To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. October 1 birthday = 10 +1 + 2023 (7) = 1 + 1 + 7 = 9 year.

Numerology runs on a 9-year cycle and each year has a different focus.

1 year: Plant seeds for what you want to accomplish in the 9-year cycle.

2 year: Focus inward, nurture seeds planted in the previous year.

3 year: A creative year. Integrate the two previous years.

4 year: Set up a new foundation. Diligence and commitment.

5 year: Change. Freedom and expansion time. Surprises abound.

6 year: Home, family and relationships. A year of responsibility.

7 year: Inner reflection and self-improvement.

8 year: Management and organization focused. Money flows in greater frequency.

9 year: Completion, endings, letting go and rebirth.

If you are in a 1 personal year, October is a 2 month. The month of October is always the same number as your personal year next year, and therefore is a preview of the coming year. This has been a busy, full year for you. Many new opportunities have crossed your path and you have had to make a lot of decisions. October offers you a break to go inward and reflect on the events of the year. In a 2 month, you may relax a bit and nurture all the seeds you’ve planted this year. Take care of details and be aware of heightened emotions. This is your second 2 month this year; January was your first. Technically, this is an 11/2 month which means it is under a higher spiritual influence. 11 is a master number and carries a higher spiritual vibration. Sensitivity to others and especially to your own guidance. Your intuition is stronger now and is open to expanded consciousness. Personal spiritual growth is right in front of you. Follow your guidance now more than ever. Remain balanced and allow harmony to permeate your life. Don’t miss this opportunity to raise your vibration.

If you are in a 2 personal year, October is a 3 month. The month of October is always the same number as your personal year next year, and therefore is a preview of the coming year. This is your creative month, so if you have any projects in mind, now is the time to work on them. 3 is the fun-filled number and you have a month of enjoyment ahead. In your 2 year, you’ve been focused on relationships, intuition and balance. Bringing all the elements together, this is the month to have fun with your partner, friends or make new friends. This is a social month, so expect more engagements and be sure to enjoy yourself, before the hardworking 4 month in November. Emotional issues may arise, so be clear about your feelings and learn to express them. Steer clear of drama and gossip as they will only weigh you down. Watch the tendency toward extravagance, but it’s okay to have a few new things. The 3 energy fuels your creativity, so take advantage of any inspiration you receive.

If you are in a 3 personal year, October is a 4 month. The month of October is always the same number as your personal year next year, and therefore is a preview of the coming year. Time to settle down after your party month in September. Activate a strong work ethic and complete your projects. This is your creative year and you should be using your imagination in every avenue of your life. The 4 energy brings structure and discipline, so use it to finish up whatever unfinished projects you have this year. Organize and toss out anything unnecessary in your life. Resolve issues as they arise. Pay attention to details and reset your foundation for the coming months. You’ve likely been very social in your 3 year, so watch your health especially in this 4 month. Determination and keeping a good structure help you stay balanced now. Rein in your partying for now and finish your work. Diligence pays off.

If you are in a 4 personal year, October is a 5 month. The month of October is always the same number as your personal year next year, and therefore is a preview of the coming year. This has been a hard-working year and you may now reap some benefits. This 5 month brings expansion and change. The stronger your foundation, the higher you may soar. There are likely to be planned changes and a few surprises this month, so be open and ready to take advantage of what comes. Travel or new adventures may appear and you may be ready for a break. Freedom and opportunity are for the betterment of your life. Go with the flow and let the boat glide with the stream of energy. Now isn’t the time to resist or hold back. Make sure you stay balanced though to keep your boat afloat. Keep a positive outlook and stay open for a successful month.

If you are in a 5 personal year, October is a 6 month. The month of October is always the same number as your personal year next year, and therefore is a preview of the coming year. This has been a year of expansion, transition and change for you and now you are facing your relationship month. Look for shifts in home, family and other connections. Nurture the ones you love and forgive them for who they are not. The spotlight is on your relationships too, so make time to process any issues that arise. It may be time to take one to the next level. This is a good month to clean out, redecorate or improve your living situation as you see fit. Be accountable and take care of your obligations and responsibilities. Seek harmony and balance in all connections. Volunteer or find some way to be of service. You may see a realignment in your priorities.

If you are in a 6 personal year, October is a 7 month. The month of October is always the same number as your personal year next year, and therefore is a preview of the coming year. This has been a demanding year for you focusing on your family obligations. Likely you have stepped up and taken on more career responsibilities as well. This month offers a break from outer demands and gives you time to go inward. The energy is with you to focus on you. Withdraw into yourself and do some soul searching. What is it you really want? What brings meaning to your life? Where is your life going? Take an inner focus now, and ask yourself some big questions. Most importantly, listen to the answers. Relax your body. Rejuvenate your spirt. Reevaluate your life. Take a retreat. Go on nature walks. Discover what really brings you peace in your life. Understand what is truly important to you. There may be a realignment in your priorities.

If you are in a 7 personal year, October is a 8 month. The month of October is always the same number as your personal year next year, and therefore is a preview of the coming year. You have had a year of inward thoughts and introspection and likely you’ve done some soul-searching. The 7 vibration is with you to uncover what brings joy to your spirit. You may have asked the important questions about where your life is going or discovered your life’s purpose after a spiritual retreat. The 8 energy is moving you outward this month. Use the life lessons you’ve learned from all the inward focus of the year and integrate it into your physical life. Balance your spiritual and material worlds. This is the month where the focus is on your personal power and authority. Organize and manage your life with what you’ve learned so far this year. You may be thrust into a leadership role. Take charge!

If you are in a 8 personal year, October is a 9 month.The month of October is always the same number as your personal year next year, and therefore is a preview of the coming year. You have had a year of discovering your personal power. Likely your authority has been challenged more than once. 8 is a year of career expansion and a year of financial focus. Likely, more money has flowed in and out of your accounts. The 9 is all about finishing up and new beginnings. Allow whatever wants to leave your life to exit. You won’t need it. This is a month to lighten your load and make room for what you want in the future. November will be time to plant seed for your future, so make room for your new manifestations. Toss out, donate excess material goods. Release something you’ve been holding onto that is weighing you down. Forgive, let go and have compassion for yourself and others in this empowerment year. Find your own random act of kindness.

If you are in a 9 personal year, October is a 1 month. The month of October is always the same number as your personal year next year, and therefore is a preview of the coming year. This 9 year is the end of the Numerology cycle and with that, is the number of completion, harvest and rebirth. You’ve had a year of letting go and releasing what no longer serves you. This is a year to reap rewards for your hard work also. If you’ve managed to ignore your personal growth, maybe this year has been a chaotic one for you. October, with the 1 energy vibration, is the month to focus on what you want to create in your life now. You’ve made room for new manifestations. Think about what you want in your life and brings you joy. Make a list of your must-haves. Make another list of your, “would be nice if.” Then let your mind go and list your wildest dreams. Don’t censor yourself here. Now is the time to focus on your future after months of focusing on your past. Spend the month planting seeds of your greatest desires.

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