To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. May 1 birthday = 5 +1 + 2023 (7) = 5 + 1 + 7 = 4 year.
If you are in a 1 personal year, May is a 6 month. This is your “home and family” month and time to improve your humble abode. Redecorate a room with a new coat of paint or landscape the yard. Plant flowers or, at the very least, bring fresh spring bouquets home to beautify your living domain. Family and relationships are at the forefront as well, so unresolved issues may arise. Schedule quality time with your loved ones this month to create a harmonious environment. Be extra responsible now as some of your priorities may have shifted during the expansion in the last month.
If you are in a 2 personal year, May is a 7 month which means you need to find time for introspection. These few weeks filled with moments of solitude may be a relief after the family focus last month. Go inward, find your center and listen. Spring is a lovely time to be outdoors and a perfect place to meditate in nature. In your 2 personal year, your intuition is stronger now, so listen. Stroll along a stream, hug a tree, follow a path in the woods and connect to the Divine inside. Use this much needed solitude to connect within. Research and study is highlighted now too, so if a subject sparks your fancy, follow it through. Reevaluate where you have been and where you are going, be sure you’re on the right path for you. Above all, LISTEN.
If you are in a 3 personal year, May is an 8 month for you, so get your business affairs in order. The 8 is all about self-mastery, and being your own authority is the central focus. You may be challenged or tested this month, so stand your ground. Focus on business, take charge of your life and most of all, stand up for yourself. Organize and manage all aspects of your life and prioritize what’s important now. Three is the number of communication and emotions, and you may be required to speak your truth. Balance and harmony are most important, but remember you are the authority.
If you are in a 4 personal year, May is a 9 month for you and time to clean out your closet—both metaphorically and physically. It’s all about letting go and releasing all things unnecessary to carry you into June, a 1 month. Some things will naturally end and disappear, so don’t worry. This is also your harvest month when you reap what you’ve sown the last 8 months. Rewards are yours if you’ve done your work. If you have unfinished business, you may find this is a busy month of getting things done. You are setting up a new foundation in this 4 year and May is the only 9 energy you get this year to clean out and release, so make the most of it. What you let go of won’t be serving the new foundation you are creating this year.
If you are in a 5 personal year, May is a 1 month full of new beginnings. Time to create what you want for the next 9 months. This is the only 1 month you get this year, so make the best of it by including everything you want to manifest. Make a list of your “must haves” — things you absolutely cannot do without. Make a second list of things or events that would be nice in your life. The third list is your wildest dreams for the next 9 months. How do you see yourself at the end of this cycle? Plant the seeds of your desires and watch them manifest. You will have the energy to begin new endeavors, so step up, take charge and create what you really want.
If you are in a 6 personal year, May is a 2 month for you and time to breathe after a busy April. You are not in charge now, so take a step back. Cooperation and compromise are paramount in this relationship-oriented month. Be the diplomat and play nice with others. The seeds of your creations last month are sprouting, so nurture them along. Pay attention to details and follow-up on anything unfinished from your previous creations. Relax a bit, go inward and follow your intuition which is heightened during the next few weeks. People you meet this month are important to your future. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and maybe defer to others.
If you are in a 7 personal year, May is a 3 month for you, so let your creative juices flow. Put the finishing touches on your manifestations made 2 months ago. The number 3 is joyful and fun loving. Take some time this month to enjoy yourself. Self-expression is heightened this month and a good time to write. Any artistic endeavor carries this creative energy. Be playful, redecorate, redesign a project, but stay focused. Don’t let your creativity get away from you and have so many ideas, you don’t complete one. This is the only 3 month you get this year, so be sure to enjoy yourself. You’ll have your nose to the grindstone next month setting up a new foundation and structure for the coming months.
If you are in an 8 personal year, May is a 4 month for you. You’ll work hard this month especially in your 8 year. Create a solid foundation for what you want to build this year. May is the only 4 month you get this year, so work hard and you’ll reap the benefits later. Focus on what you have been creating the last few months. Through discipline and diligence, you ensure your work is on track. Organize your creations and incorporate them into your goals. Reset your foundation and be ready for the expansive 5 month ahead. Take care of your health.
If you are in a 9 personal year, May is a 5 month for you. Be ready for expansion, change and freedom. You may find yourself with new pursuits, interests or goals. Unexpected change can bring travel and adventure. Promote yourself and use your communication skills to build a network. This is a year for completion, letting go, and endings and you may have a few surprises this month. Ride the waves and allow the energy to flow with you. It’s okay to take a risk. Remember your creations you made in your 1 month and don’t abandon them, but trust what falls away is unnecessary. Don’t change for the sake of change.