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Writer's pictureSuzan Owens

The Numerology of June 2024

numerology of june

Discover the insights of the numerology of June 2024. Uncover the significance of your personal year and how to align with the month's energy.

To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. Example: June 1 birthday = 6 +1 + 2024 (8) = 6 + 1 + 8 = 15 and 1 + 5 = 6 year.


Numerology runs on a 9-year cycle and each year has a different vibration.


1 year: Plant seeds for what you want to accomplish in the 9-year cycle.

2 year: Focus inward, nurture seeds planted in the previous year.

3 year: A creative year. Integrate the two previous years.

4 year: Set up a new foundation. Diligence and commitment.

5 year: Change. Freedom and expansion time. Surprises abound.

6 year: Home, family, and relationships. A year of responsibility.

7 year: Inner reflection and self-improvement.

8 year: Management and organization focused. Money flows in greater frequency.

9 year: Completion, endings, letting go, and rebirth. 


If you are in a 1 personal year, June is a 7 month.

You have had six months of new beginnings so far this year and you’ve been creating a long list of desires to manifest. With 7 energy now, go inward. Connect to your Divine guidance and listen. What is your intuition telling you to add to your manifestation list? The inward 7 energy creates new questions and if answered, by the end of the month you’ll have a modified creation list. Rest, rejuvenate, and find the much needed solitude after a family-focused May. It’s all about you now and finding your inner peace. Find your center. Listen to your guidance. Spend time in nature and meditate as often as possible. Take a weekend course to improve your knowledge and well-being. Go on a nature retreat. Now is the time to reevaluate your current circumstances and make changes. Watch your health and deal with any legal issues that may arise. This is your personal growth month, so direct your energy toward the betterment of yourself.


If you are in a 2 personal year, June is an 8 month.

Harmony and balance in all areas of your life is paramount this year. Relationships, career, home, and family require energy now to find their equilibriums. You may also find a new residence in a 2 year. Adding the 8 energy brings business, finances, organization, and management into the picture. Money will come and go in greater amounts this month, so watch your spending. You may be asked to be the authority, so step into your power and out of your comfort zone. Remember wealth isn’t the only measure of success, so spend equal time in all areas of your life. Balance is important with both number energies in June, so maintain your equanimity. 2 and 8 are both intuitive numbers, so listen to your inner guidance. Delve into both your material and spiritual worlds and find the symmetry. The 8 suggests taking risks too, but again, keep your balance. This can be a profitable time if you maintain a positive mind frame.


If you are in a 3 personal year, June is a 9 month.

This is your fun year. Time to be social and enjoy all your creative pursuits. Get in touch with your imagination and express yourself. Explore your innovative side and make something to uplift humanity. 9 is the humanitarian number and being of service will benefit you. This 9 month is the end of a numerology cycle and carries the vibration to clean up, let go, and finish up anything you don’t want to take with you into the future. New beginnings for you in July, so release as much as you can to allow room for more good stuff. Both 3 and 9 are creation numbers, so allow your imagination to flourish and create something for the greater good. Compassion and forgiveness as well as unconditional love hold the 9 vibration. Release anything not in service to your best interests. Rewards appear in a 9 month, so now is the time to reap what you’ve sown. Dream about what you want to create for the future.


If you are in a 4 personal year, June is a 1 month.

You are in your hard-working year. Diligent efforts are what fuel you now. Stay in the box, keep your nose to the grindstone. Fulfill your obligations and solidify a foundation for next year. New beginnings this month, however. Think about what it is you want to create for the rest of the year. Make your list of must-haves and greatest-desires. Don’t censor yourself. Dream big. Use your imagination to see your dreams. Then use the hard-working 4 energy to reset your foundation to make them happen. Have the courage to be a leader. Both number vibrations promote cleaning out and letting go to make room for what best serves you. Organize all aspects of your life. Take care of your health through diet and exercise. Use structure and discipline to achieve your objectives. Set your intentions for the next nine months and use the 4 energy to bring them into the material world.


If you are in a 5 personal year, June is a 2 month.

Dynamic change is in store in 2024 and you no doubt have experienced it more than once so far this year. A renaissance year to expand your horizons. Freedom in all areas of your life. Take advantage of all the opportunities and don’t be afraid to risk. The 2 energy is about going inward and keeping your balance. It highlights your intuition, so listen to your Divine Guidance and follow it. Make peace in relationships and find your equilibrium. You’re being stretched this year and the 2 energy reminds you to remain levelheaded. Slow down, step back, and go inward. Work on your personal growth. Find peace and harmony in June. Nurture the aspirations you created last month. You may find a new residence or a new love this month. Cooperation and diplomacy are key components as well. Pay attention to details. Subtle and indirect energy is with you now. Be willing to compromise and work well with others.


If you are in a 6 personal year, June is a 3 month.

You’ve likely spent time with home and family this year and that will continue. Being responsible to those you love is paramount this year. Be sure to make time for yourself and replenish your reserves. An empty cup is no good to anyone. The 3 brings enjoyment and creativity this month. Plan a project to do together or go on an outing. Find ways to enjoy life and play together in June. Redecorate, redesign some aspect of your home. Dance, play music, find any creative outlet. Expand your imagination and commit to finding enjoyment now. Unresolved issues may arise—deal with them now before they grow into something bigger. Delve deeper into your emotions and learn how to express yourself. Keep a positive mindset to attract abundance. Don’t scatter your energy over too many projects. Direct yourself through one course at a time. 3 is a lucky number and you would do best to take advantage of any opportunity.


If you are in a 7 personal year, June is a 4 month.

This is your inward year and you will be rewarded if you add meditation to your regime. If you haven’t created a schedule with time to search your inner being, now is the time. Ask yourself the big life questions this year and you’ll likely have redefined your ideas by December. What do I really want? What is my life purpose? Am I living a fulfilled life? 7 energy delves deep into life’s important questions. The 4 vibration brings structure and discipline. Create a new schedule to benefit your greatest desires. This is a diligent time and there’s not much room for outside the box. Both 7 and 4 are health numbers, so pay attention to your diet and exercise regimens. This is a good time to add them into your schedule. Legal issues may arise and you have the number vibration behind you for resolution. Reinforce your platform and prepare for the expansive 5 energy in July.


If you are in an 8 personal year, June is a 5 month.

Balance, organization, management, and discovering your personal power are top priorities this year. Balance is especially key in this expansive 5 month. Be prepared for life lessons and growth in your personal power. Focus and expand your career. Money comes and goes more, so watch your spending. Your authority will likely be tested. The 8 energy coupled with the 5 means dynamic change, transition, and many growth opportunities. Unexpected change can mean travel and adventure. You may find you want to shift the direction of your career. There may be shifts in your home and relationships as well. Anything can change, so be prepared for surprises. 5 is the number of promotion and this is the time to put yourself out there. Step up and take risks. You will be a different person at the end of the month as life lessons present themselves. Freedom and expansion are the foundation for June, be curious and take advantage of every opportunity.


If you are in a 9 personal year, June is a 6 month.

Completions, endings, and letting go are what is happening for you this year. Hopefully, you’re cleaning out and releasing whatever no longer serves you. Keep in your mind the idea you’re making room for what the Universe is sending you next year. Surrender and complete unfinished projects. The 6 energy shines the light on your relationships. You may see associations end now, or they may just be shifting. Allow for the change and trust what is over is for the betterment of you. This is the relationship month and the ones closest to you will need you now. Take care of yourself too, however. You cannot give from an empty cup. Be responsible and complete home improvement projects. You’ll feel better. Let go of what clearly wants to leave and allow room for new beginnings. Take a vacation and enjoy your family. Rejuvenate in nature. Be of service. Realign your priorities and find harmony and balance in your life.

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