Add all the numbers in your birthdate together and keep adding until you have a single digit. This is your Life Path number — your "number"— in Numerology.
NUMBER 1. Leader, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Achiever, CEO
1 individuals must stand on their own. Be assertive, not aggressive; ambitious and self-sufficient, not arrogant and domineering. Be courageous and innovative. Establish your individuality and independence. 1 energy is focused, rational; can be stubborn, willful and impulsive. Dislikes being overlooked.
NUMBER 2. Diplomat, Moderator, Peacekeeper, Counselor, Artist, Healer, Sensitive
2 individuals are excellent partners. Be supportive, understanding and tactful, not critical and co-dependent. 2 energy is feminine, receptive, intuitive, captivating and detail oriented; can be self-conscious, overly sensitive and meddlesome. Follow your intuition, set boundaries and strive for balance. Establish reciprocal relationships and security.
NUMBER 3. Artist, Musician, Speaker, Teacher, Salesperson, Visionary, Entertaining, Spontaneous
3 is the unification of the originating 1 energy with the germinating 2 energy: the synthesis of creation. 3 individuals are uplifting, optimistic, and artistic. Be creative, spontaneous and versatile, not lazy, unfocused and scattered. 3 energy is enthusiastic, imaginative and adaptable; can be overly dramatic, unfocused and critical. Loves life’s adventures; dislikes routine and the mundane. Establish a joyful, creative lifestyle with discipline as the foundation.
NUMBER 4. Business Manager, Lawyer, Accountant, Administrator, Builder, Scientist, Worker-bee
4 individuals are goal oriented, diligent and focused on achievement. Be determined, productive and effective, not rigid, overly cautious and stubborn. Be focused and organized, not unyielding. Lighten up sometimes and look outside the box. 4 energy is organized, dedicated and dependable; can be argumentative, repressed and tedious. 4 vibration is determined, practical and excels at achieving objectives. Best number for mundane tasks. Dislikes unexpected change, poverty and loss. Scientist.
NUMBER 5. Adventurer, Promoter, Actor, Public Figure, Salesperson
5 individuals are freedom seekers and desire to live life to the fullest. Be adaptable, accept diversity and variety, but don’t quit too early or change for the sake of change. 5 is rapid energy for expansive growth, but can be unpredictable and unsettling. Stay centered, grounded and disciplined. 5s like adventure, competition and the unconventional, but dislike routine and the mundane. 5 vibration is sensual, charismatic and influential but is prone to procrastination and addiction.
NUMBER 6. Caregiver, Service Oriented, Responsible, Counselor, Healer
6 individuals are stable and nurturing homebodies who desire to be of service. Be stable, conventional and settled, but not codependent and a martyr. Desires to create a safe, harmonious environment and loves to nurture family. Dislikes instability, insecurity and unfamiliarity. Establish healthy harmonious relationships both at home and career. Balance others’ needs with your own; don’t overdo.
NUMBER 7. Seeker, Researcher, Spiritualist, Analyst, Philosopher, Consultant, Computer Analyst
7 individuals are truth seekers and search for the meaning of life and a spiritual path. Be private and philosophical but not reclusive and critical. Be analytical and meditative, but not unapproachable, pessimistic and cynical. Desires deep spiritual connection and requires solitude for inner reflection. Dislikes the limelight, social interactions and demanding relationships. The most metaphysical of the numbers. Find time to meditate in nature.
NUMBER 8. Business Owner/Manager, Executive, Entrepreneur, Engineer, Financier, Judge, Publisher
8 individuals are achievement-oriented managers and excellent decision makers. Dislikes less capable superiors and being at the mercy of circumstances. Prefers to be the authority and in control of the environment to achieve power and status. Be decisive and delegate, but don’t micromanage and manipulate. Be focused, organized and ambitious but not aggressive, judgmental and shrewd. Don’t micromanage.
NUMBER 9. Humanitarian, Minister, Spiritualist, Psychic, Community Leader, Bodyworker, Artist, Actor
9 individuals are dreamers in search of Universal Harmony and the betterment of humankind. Be idealistic, understanding, forgiving and tolerant but not aimless and gullible. Dislikes restrictions and out of control emotions. Seeks to make a global impact and raise the level of mass consciousness. Follows the Golden Rule and is benevolent, compassionate and creative, but can lose focus.