To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birth day to the current year.
June 1 birthday = 6 +1 + 2023 (7) = 6 + 1 + 7 = 14 = 5 year. Calculate your personal year and then scan below to read the preview of your personal month.
If you are in a 1 personal year, June is a 7 month. June is the only month you’ll have to focus on your personal growth with the 7 vibration. New beginnings this one year, so how do you see your spiritual path? What do you want for your own growth? This is the time to reach unlimited potential for your desires. How do you see yourself in the next nine years spiritually? Now is the time to plant seeds of your spiritual desires. When you’ve done that, rejuvenate and take time to ponder the big questions. “What is the meaning of my life?” Do a spiritual retreat or go on a vision quest. Find your solitude to go inward because this is the only month designated to go within. Get a journal and process your thoughts. You will have many in June.
If you are in a 2 personal year, June is an 8 month. This is your money month. Pay attention to your finances because funds will come and go in the next few weeks. Focus on successful organization and get down to business. You may ask for help because this is a two year and you will make valuable connections in this relationship year. Eight is the number of self-mastery and being your own authority. Take what you learned from your internal reflections and put it into action. Eight is a good month to take risks and expand your business. You are the authority and the one with the power now. June is an outwardly focused month after your internal seven month and time to get things done. Step up and be the one in command. June is the only month in 2023 with money and business as the focus. Take advantage of these valuable weeks with power, money, and success as the central point. You are in charge.
If you are in a 3 personal year, June is a 9 month. It may feel strange to think about endings and completion in the middle of the year, but June is your month to do it. Maybe it’s a home project you finish or a job that no longer needs your input, but things will come to completion. This is a good month to clean out your closets to make ready for the one energy in July. The more you prepare and eliminate, the better your one month will be. This is the only nine month you get this year, so make use of it. Really let go of all that is unnecessary in your life. Be of service too, volunteer at your favorite charity, help a neighbor, or offer yourself as a consultant. Nine is the number for rewards too. If you’ve done your work for the past nine months, you’ll be blessed with many rewards for your diligence.
If you are in a 4 personal year, June is a 1 month. New beginnings this month after completions and endings in May. You will want to set up new systems and take on new projects. Consider planting the seeds for what you want to create for the next nine months. This is your hard-working year and time to set up a foundation for your life. Being a one month, June is the time to implement systems for a new order. Pay special attention to your health in a four year and this may be time to join a health club or begin a new diet. Building a solid foundation for your life is paramount in 2023 and June is your month to bring new ideas into what you’ve already completed since the beginning of the year.
If you are in a 5 personal year, June is a 2 month. Take a break after planting seeds last month. Nurture them and watch them grow. You’ll be taking a back seat for a bit and allowing others to guide you. Cooperate. Pay attention to the people who come into your life now as they can be of service. You may feel the need to research a new residence, feeling the desire to move. Above all, connect with your inner guidance this month. In a two month, you’re not alone and your intuition is heightened. This is a change year for you as well, so be ready for surprises. Details are important and you can fill in between the rows you planted last month.
If you are in a 6 personal year, June is a 3 month. Get creative now because your juices are flowing. Three carries the imagination vibration and it is the only creative month you’ll get this year. In a six year, home, family, and relationship are paramount, so this is the month to improve your residence. Even better, to work with your spouse to create something together. This is your playful month too, enjoy yourself, go shopping, buy tickets for a concert or another entertainment venue. Three is the number for communication and you may find communication is easier now. Three truly is a lucky number and June is a good time to take advantage of the lucky energy now. Enjoy this free time because you will have to settle in and work hard next month.
If you are in a 7 personal year, June is a 4 month. This is your inwardly focused year and June is the month to set up a solid foundation for your life. Following a spiritual path, research new directions that interest you all take precedence this year. Internal reflections and pondering life’s mysteries is your quest in 2023 so integrate them into your life’s foundation this month. The four vibration is all about creating a plan and securing a foundation that is your stability for the rest of the year. Watch your health especially now. Eat right, get exercise and at the minimum, get a wellness check. Maybe look into new insurance and make sure all legal issues are handled and in order. Organize, work hard and implement your creations from May into the work you do now. You will need a strong foundation as you move into an expansive July.
If you are in an 8 personal year, June is a 5 month. Change is in the air this month. Expansion, freedom, and new directions all are possible in a five month. In an eight personal year, the focus is on self-mastery, business, and organization. Learning about your own personal power and authority take precedence as well. Any one of these topics can take on a new direction in June. Different adventures, travel, exciting new interests are on the horizon this month, so be prepared for your life to change, even unexpectedly. Promotion and networking carry the five vibration, so get out there and sell yourself. It’s a great month to take a risk. You may want to quit a project, but be sure you’re abandoning it for the right reasons and not just to quit something.
If you are in a 9 personal year, June is a 6 month. Home, family, relationships, and responsibility are at the forefront in June. Relationship issues are heightened, so take care to resolve whatever arises. This is your nine year which is all about endings and completions and letting go. Take the time to be at home. Clean out the garage, repaint, or finish an old project. Redesign your landscape or just plant flowers-something to beautify your home. You may want to be at home more after your adventurous last month. Take advantage of the responsible energy of six and complete something on your long, overdue to do list. You may have let things go in pursuit of an adventure last month. Enjoy this time with family, they may need you more than usual now.