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The Numerology of July

Writer's picture: Suzan OwensSuzan Owens

To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birth day to the current year. For example: July 1 birthday = 7 +1 + 2023 (7) = 7 + 1 + 7 = 15 = 6 year. Calculate your personal year and then scan below to read the preview of your personal month.

If you are in a 1 personal year, July is an 8 month. This is your money month. Money will flow in and out more than normal, so it is a good month to watch your finances. Eight is the number for self-mastery and being your own authority. Likely in July, you will have your authority tested. People will come into your life simply to challenge you. Stay strong and stand up for yourself. Self-mastery is about knowing and improving yourself. Fully know who you really are and be the best version of yourself. This is your one year and July is a good time to plant your financial seeds for the next few months. Create your own wealth by being of service and focusing on what it is you really want. Balance your physical and spiritual worlds. It is a money month, but eight is also the number of balance. Find time to rejuvenate and replenish your senses.

If you are in a 2 personal year, July is a 9 month. Your year is about enhanced intuition and even more so in this nine spiritual month. Take your time and allow yourself to be guided. Surrender. Cooperate and be of service to the community. Nine is the last number in the Numerology cycle, so things will end. Allow for harvest from all your work of the past nine months. Accept your rewards for your accomplishments. Clean out, throw out, and eliminate anything you don’t need in your future. Take only what you need forward into August and the one energy month.

If you are in a 3 personal year, July is a 1 month. New beginnings. Plant seeds for the rest of the year. Be creative this year and really think about what would make your life better. Write 3 columns. In the first column write your, “Must haves.” In the second column, write “Would be nice.” In the final column, list your “Wildest Dreams” and do not censor yourself. Let yourself go here and write everything that comes to mind. Be the leader. Be independent this month. Take on new challenges. Begin a new creative project. Having the three creative energy with you ensures success—just stick to it and finish.

If you are in a 4 personal year, July is a 2 month. Two is the number of intuition and with the four’s discipline energy, it is time to listen and receive. Set up a new foundation this year and learn how to meditate. It’s okay to ask for help. Relationships are under the spotlight so issues will arise. Work on your diplomacy skills and learn how to cooperate. Pay attention to subtle messages you get in this detailed-oriented month. You were in first place last month and everything was about you. This month, take a back seat. Let your hard work germinate and focus on others. Allow yourself to be guided this month, you’re not in charge.

If you are in a 5 personal year, July is a 3 month. By now you’ve likely already experienced some change in your life. Five is all about expansion and freedom. The three energy is about creativity and speaking your truth. Express yourself in any way your heart desires. You may have a surge to write, dance, sing, or create something to commemorate this year of change. Allow the energy of your imagination to flow through you. Get in touch with your feelings and speak your truth. Have a fun time and enjoy yourself in this lucky number three month. Both five and three can have scattered energy, so try to stay grounded and complete something you started.

If you are in a 6 personal year, July is a 4 month. Four is about setting up a new foundation and you might have the urge to reorganize this month. You may feel a strong desire to work hard and complete your projects. This is a relationship year, so your look at what needs to be restructured in your friendships. Six is the number for responsibility and four is the number of diligence, so allow yourself to focus and work hard this month. You were playful in June and August is the five month of expansion and freedom. This is your month to build a solid foundation for the rest of the nine-month cycle. Settle in, put your nose to the grindstone, and be responsible to create something solid under you.

If you are in a 7 personal year, July is a 5 month. You are in a year of personal growth and internal expansion. Find time to do a vision quest or take a personal growth class. July, with the five energy, brings expansion. Focusing inward is the mantra for seven and coupled with the freedom-loving five, it is time for new experiences. Travel, spend time in nature, do a retreat. This is a perfect month to do anything to move you forward. You may feel the urge to promote yourself or connect with others. This may be the only month you have the desire to connect this year, take advantage of it.

If you are in an 8 personal year, July is a 6 month. In a year of money, management, and authority, July is the month to bring that energy into your relationships. The six vibration is home and family and relationships. Being responsible is paramount and this month you may want to focus on home life more than usual. Beautify your home—finish the home repairs list. Paint the family room. You may choose to find a new home altogether. The eight year signifies money, management, and authority. Stand up for yourself and be responsible for your home and family.

If you are in a 9 personal year, July is a 7 month. Seven is the metaphysical number and brings with it the desire to go inward. This is a quiet month best spent in meditation, yoga, reading, or walks in nature. Take a mediation class or personal growth class to improve yourself in some way. You may have the desire to lead one to serve the greater good. The nine brings spiritual energy and heightened intuition. Nine is the number of completion as well, so release all unnecessary burdens you’ve been carrying. The vibration is with you to let go and improve yourself. Rest, relax and rejuvenate is your mantra this month.

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