Calculate your personal year to determine how the #numerology of January 2024 impacts you individually.
To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. January 1 birthday = 1 +1 + 2024 (8) = 1 + 1 + 8 = 10 = 1 year.
The 9-year Cycle of Numerology
Numerology runs on a 9 year cycle and each year has a different energy.
1 year: Plant seeds for what you want to accomplish in the 9 year cycle.
2 year: Focus inward, nurture seeds planted in the previous year.
3 year: A creative year. Integrate the two previous years.
4 year: Set up a new foundation. Diligence and commitment.
5 year: Change. Freedom and expansion time. Surprises abound.
6 year: Home, family and relationships. A year of responsibility.
7 year: Inner reflection and self-improvement.
8 year: Management and organization focused. Money flows in greater frequency.
9 year: Completion, endings, letting go and rebirth.
2024 is an 8 universal year.
We will all have 8 energy flowing this year regardless of our personal year. The number 8 energy is management, business, organization and being your own authority. Money plays a bigger part in the year with much flowing in and out. More will come your way, but you will find yourself spending more as well. This is a year to be your own authority and you will be challenged. You will likely end the year a stronger and more empowered person. Your career comes into focus and expansion of your responsibilities is possible. Face your fears and don’t be afraid to step into the fray. Confrontation with those who have tormented you in the past may take place. This is a year to take risks if you want to expand your personal power. Be diligent, and keep your balance. Rewards come to you when you serve the greater good. Keep a positive mindset and adopt high morals. This can be a year of tremendous personal growth and prosperity. Read more about The Numerology of 2024.
The Numerology of January 2024
If you are in a 1 personal year, January is a 2 month. In a 1 year, you list what you want to manifest in the next nine years. Where do you see yourself at the end of the cycle? This is a busy, full year with an outward focus. There will be many ideas, opportunities and directions for you to take advantage of. In the first month of the first year of your nine-year cycle, the 2 energy rules your life. With the 2 energy being about details and getting very clear about what you want, it’s important to know your aspirations. This isn’t a fast-paced month. Use your energy to go inward and listen to your internal guidance. Developing a relationship with your Divine wisdom and listening will serve you greater than any physical work you do. 2 is a sensitive number and you may be more emotional than usual. Keep your cards close to your chest. This is a year of manifestations, but don’t share everything you know. Be cooperative and diplomatic and focus on what you want to create for the next nine years.
If you are in a 2 personal year, January is a 3 month. Last year you set your intention for the next nine years and this year you nurture your aspirations. This is a slower-paced year, but you still have work to do. Fortunately the year begins with a joyful month. Connect to your creative side and allow your imagination to run wild. Follow any creative endeavor. A 2 year is about relationships and balance, so communication is important now. It would be beneficial to work on uncovering your emotions and expressing them. Be the diplomat. Cooperate. Your social calendar might fill up too, so be discerning about how you want to spend your time. Most of all, allow your imagination to expand and express your creative talents. This can be a very fun month. Do your best to make the most of it because next month you will be working hard. 2 is about balance and moderation, so watch any tendency toward extravagance. Listen to your inner guidance and meditate for direction. Explore different avenues of enjoying your life. Sing, dance, create and keep a positive mindset for a happy month.
If you are in a 3 personal year, January is a 4 month. A 3 year can be joyful and fun with a busy social calendar. You will find yourself communicating more than usual and emotions may surface. Get in touch with your feelings and learn to express them this year. Unresolved relationship issues will arise so deal with them now for a clear road the rest of the year. With a 3 year, this is a creative, joyful time and having a solid foundation under you is imperative for a successful year. You begin 2024 with a 4 month which indicates you will be setting up a new foundation for the rest of the year. Structure and discipline are at the forefront. What in your life needs to change? Set your New Year’s resolutions because the energy is with you to stick with them. Organizing, remodeling, and committing to finishing a project are great opportunities in January. The 3 year is very creative and with so many ideas, one can be scattered. Determination and perseverance will see you through. Pay attention to details and plan a stable framework for the rest of the year now. Take care of your health and eat right. Allow the creativity to flow and use the 4 energy to get your work done.
If you are in a 4 personal year, January is a 5 month. This is your hard-working year and you will be setting up a new foundation for the rest of the nine-year cycle. Diligence and determination are keywords for the next 12 months, but you are blessed with a freewheeling January. Your year begins with an expansive and transitional month. Change is the keyword here as you hit the ground running. Take advantage of any opportunity for freedom and growth because the rest of your 4 year is all about working hard. There are new occasions to expand your horizons. Surprises abound, so be ready. Travel and adventure are here as well and you might find a completely new direction in your life. Allow the 5 vibration to flow through you because next month you will be focused on home and family. The 4 energy tempers chaos that the 5 energy can cause, so stay grounded to realize all the benefits of this month. This is your year to reorganize, rebuild, and toss out what is no longer necessary in your life.
If you are in a 5 personal year, January is a 6 month. A year of freedom, expansion and change is ahead for you. Plan for surprises, because they will come whether you are ready or not. Growth experiences abound and new horizons in every direction if you choose to look. Just about everything in your life is up for expansion including your peripheral vision. Change is abundant, so be ready. Your career can have a boost with new opportunities. Beginning this year with a 6 vibration means home and family are the focus. They will need you more this month and likely relationships are likely to shift. Make time to give and receive love. The energy is with you to heal past issues. This is your month to be responsible and stay balanced in a harmonious life. Nurture the ones you love this month and resolve any issues in your relationships. Schedule a vacation to spend time with family. Refurbish something in your home to make an upgrade. Realign your priorities. Stay balanced and create harmony in all your endeavors.
If you are in a 6 personal year, January is a 7 month. This is your year to focus on home and family. Your relationships will be at the forefront. In the extreme, a 6 year is either a divorce year or a time to renew your vows. Your primary relationships are paramount and this is a good time to heal unresolved issues. A home and family year means you’ll be spending time at home with loved ones. Take on a renovation project or landscape the property. Find something that upgrades your living accommodations. January is a month to focus inward and ask yourself big questions. What do I really want? Direct this question to every aspect of your life with regard to career, relationships and lifestyle. Go inward and uncover your true desires. Take this month to develop a healthy relationship with yourself as well. Generate communication with the Divine and follow the guidance. This is a good month to focus on yourself to be clear about your aspirations because the rest of the year will be about service to others.
If you are in a 7 personal year, January is an 8 month. Now is the time to go inward after a year of service and responsibility to others. This is your year to ask yourself big life questions and review what you truly desire in life. Focus on improving yourself, developing your intuition and acquiring inner peace and wisdom. Rest, relax and reevaluate your desires. You begin this highly spiritual and reflective year with 8 energy which normally brings you outward, so use the time to focus on yourself. The eight is about self-empowerment and authority issues. Reorganization and business are the focus along with any material desires. This is a money month and it will ebb and flow at a heavier degree. 8 is about balance, so find harmony with your spiritual and material aspirations. There is more to life than the total of your bank account. Your career is at the focus this month, so there may be changes. This is your year to concentrate your energies on improving yourself. Do a body cleanse, go on a retreat, but mostly work on your personal growth.
If you are in an 8 personal year, January is a 9 month. Having a personal year identical to the universal year means you have double the 8 vibration in 2024. More business and career focus and more self-empowerment energy. This will be a doubly busy year with new opportunities for prosperity and expanding your authority. Pay attention to all aspects of your life as they may need reorganizing. You may be asked to take the leadership role and others look to you as an authority. This is the year to learn to balance your material and spiritual worlds. Beginning the year with a 9 month advises you to clean out, eliminate, and let go of anything not serving you. Cleaning out is an excellent way to begin an 8 year. Be efficient and think “lighter” as you use your mental faculties to release anything unwanted. Some things naturally disappear whether you are ready or not, so let them go because you want to make room for new blessings. Be creative and try to maintain balance with all the changes. Serving the greater good this month will definitely bring rewards later. Maintain a positive mindset.
If you are in a 9 personal year, January is a 1 month. You are in the last year of a nine-year numerology cycle. This is the time to reap the rewards of your previous years of hard work. You will be letting go of anything unnecessary in your life and many things will disappear whether you are ready to release them or not. This is the time to clean out and make room for what you want to create next year. Beginning your 9 year with a 1 month means you’ll focus on what you want to create for the next nine months. Make your list of what you want to keep and what you want to manifest. Both are important this year. You are the center of your world in a 1 month and what you want matters. Being of service brings rewards, so work at serving the greater good. Your intuition is stronger this year and it would behoove you to pay attention to the guidance you receive. Be a humanitarian. Be creative. Trust in the Divine. If you’ve done your personal growth work and ready to receive, this can be a wonderfully rewarding year.