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Numerology of September 2024

Writer's picture: Suzan OwensSuzan Owens

September is the only time when both the year and month number vibrations are the same. Read on to learn how to best use the double energy of this month.

numerology of september 2024

To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. Example: September 1 birthday = 9 +1 + 2024 (8)  =  9 + 1 + 8 = 18 and 1 + 9  = 1 year.


Numerology runs on a 9-year cycle and each year carries a different vibration.

1 year: Plant seeds for what you want to accomplish in the 9-year cycle.

2 year: Focus inward, nurture seeds planted in the previous year.

3 year: A creative year. Integrate the two previous years.

4 year: Set up a new foundation. Diligence and commitment.

5 year: Change. Freedom and expansion time. Surprises abound.

6 year: Home, family, and relationships. A year of responsibility.

7 year: Inner reflection and self-improvement.

8 year: Management and organization focused. Money flows in greater frequency.

9 year: Completion, letting go, and rebirth. 


If you are in a 1 personal year, September is a 1 month.

This has been a year of new beginnings and planting the seeds for what you want to create these next nine years. This month you get to revisit those seeds you planted and recalibrate what you want to manifest. You may want to expand your visions to include new dreams. You may want to eliminate some from your list. You have the option now with the duplicate one energy in September. This will be an extra busy month with all the opportunities. If you haven’t already, write your three columns: Must Haves, Would Be Nice If, and In My Wildest Dreams. Don’t censor yourself. Let your imagination go and see what comes. Let go of your attachment to the present you and concentrate on the you of the future. You’re laying the groundwork for the next nine years. Where do you see yourself at the end of this cycle? Where do you want to be in just five years? Be the star in the movie of your life.


If you are in a 2 personal year, September is a 2 month.

Slow down and regroup has been the pattern this year. Reflect on your manifestations of last year and nurture the seeds you planted. This has been an inward-focused year and with double two energy, it will be an especially inwardly focused month as well. Introspection and connecting with your intuition for guidance have been key components of the current year. Don’t stop now. In fact, now is the time to go deeper. You have time to relate to others and be the diplomat or negotiator you can be. Cooperation is key, especially now. Harmony and balance are paramount, so relish the quiet tempo and feed your soul. A new love interest could appear and changing residences is common with the two vibration. Pay attention to details and watch the little things appear in your life. Don’t tell everyone about your aspirations; protect your dreams until the energy is ripe to share. Savor the peace and take advantage of the double intuitive vibration active now this month.


If you are in a 3 personal year, September is a 3 month.

Create, create, and create some more. The double three energy is behind your imagination now, so take advantage of the ideas floating around in your head. It’s likely your social calendar is full and if not, it will be this month. Enjoy yourself. Frolic and play with the joyful energy around you. Emotions may be running rampant, so fully process what is going on with you. It’s important for you to learn to express yourself in a positive way. Keep the chaos to a minimum and try to stay away from the drama that attracts you like a magnet. Gossip is not your friend; manage your level of communication above the negative talk. It’s okay to use discipline and a little structure to complete a project now or at least get a good start on one to finish next month. Abundance comes to you in many forms if you’re open. This is your fun year and relish in the double fun this month because next month you’ll work hard.


If you are in a 4 personal year, September is a 4 month.

With your nose to the grindstone, this has been your working year to build a foundation for the rest of the nine-year cycle. This month adds more four energy, so be prepared to up the level of diligence, structure, and discipline. This is the only month of the year with double energy, so use it wisely. Double determination, double concentration, double commitment now, so direct it where it will be of the most benefit. Organize, remodel, and finish incomplete projects. Use the highly focused four vibration to take on bigger challenges. Pay attention to details and take care of issues as they arise. Follow the rules, stay in your box, and get your work done. Try to remain positive and commit to what is most important in your life. Take care of yourself, four is the number of health issues. If diet and exercise are needed, do so for the betterment of yourself. The better foundation built this month means the further your expansion next month.


If you are in a 5 personal year, September is a 5 month.

By now, you’ve experienced a number of surprises resulting in transitions and dynamic change. Hopefully, you’ve taken advantage of the many growth opportunities appearing before your eyes. They’ll be more obvious this month and may be in greater numbers because of the double five energy. Along with the opportunities comes the decision to take risks. Take them. This is not a time to be timid. Jump at the chance to expand your freedom and reach new heights. Allow your curiosity to direct you to just the right adventure to increase your visions. Improve your life by following your guidance and you may find a new home, career, or new relationship. This is your year to new experiences. Travel, explore, reach out to others is good advice to fully use the five energy. The change that comes elevates your life and prepares you for your future freedom-seeking pursuits. Adapt to what comes while maintaining your balance and keep a positive attitude for a rewarding September.


If you are in a 6 personal year, September is a 6 month. 

All relationships are under a brighter spotlight this month with the double six. Be ready to process any issues that arise. Should your desires lead you out of commitment, now is a good time to choose. It may take a few years to complete your decision. Your efforts should be directed to home and family, especially this month. They will likely need you more now. Six is about love, balance, and connection. Create harmony in your relationships and take time to develop a new understanding. Nurture the ones you love and share your wisdom and positive ethics with them. Make a special date with your beloved or plan a weekend getaway. Career may take a jump as well with new obligations. Try to create balance and harmony in all areas of your life. Be responsible to those you love and handle your career with grace. There is a lot being asked of you this month. Remember to find time for yourself as well. 


If you are in a 7 personal year, September is a 7 month.

Go back inward and focus on yourself after a month of nurturing others. Take your well-earned rest and enjoy your solitude. It’s time to examine your life’s directions. It’s been a year of internal focus, but you get double vibration for introspection this month. Rejuvenate, find your inner peace. Take a personal growth course for self-improvement. Delve into metaphysics, technology, or any area of interest which sparks your fancy. Develop your intuition and learn how to surrender to it. Have faith your guidance will serve you. Double seven is supporting you now, so any work spent on strengthening the foundation of the inner you will be rewarded. Seven is a health number which may mean illness or maybe just a reminder to take care of your body, mind, and spirit. Reevaluate your life path and you may find yourself in a completely different direction in October. Retreat and spend valuable time in nature to replenish yourself.


If you are in an 8 personal year, September is an 8 month.

Power up. This is a year of discovering your personal power and with the double eight, you have the energy behind you to become an authority. Your mental capabilities are keener than usual and your intuition is stronger now. Trust yourself. Concentrated efforts on career and money are doubled this month as well. You are learning to be an authority and you will likely confront those who have previously tried to disempower you. Have the courage to face your fears and up for yourself. If you’ve worked diligently in previous years, you may see profitable rewards for your efforts now. Remember wealth is not the only measure of success. Serving the greater good with a strong moral compass brings rewards as well. Balance is another key component of the eight and if you’re working too much, you may find life gives you opportunities to realign your material and spiritual worlds. Let go of your ego and follow your intuition. Keep a positive mindset to organize and manage all aspects of your life.


If you are in a 9 personal year, September is a 9 month.

The last nine month in the last nine year means this is the time to really release and let go. Completions, endings, resolutions, and closure fill your month. You may not feel you are ready to release everything just yet, but trust the space being created is of great benefit to you. All that is eliminated is no longer serving your greater good. It would behoove you to be focused on what you want to invite into your life now, rather than worry about what is exiting. Forgive and forget. Approach this month with compassion and an unconditionally loving heart. Make time to be of service to your community in this humanitarian year. Your creativity is enhanced as is your connection to your higher self. Trust what comes through will guide you through this transformative time. Cleaning out your closet to releasing the unnecessary elements in your spiritual self lightens your load, physically and metaphorically. Know that there is closure on every level of your life. Trust in the Divine in all things.



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