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Writer's pictureSuzan Owens

Numerology of December 2024

Ready to decode the secrets of December 2024's numerology? Dive into the cosmic energies influencing your personal year, and see how this month holds the key to setting the vibe for 2025!

numerology of december 2024

To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. December 1 birthday = 12 +1 + 2024 (8) = 3 + 1 + 8 = 3 year.


Numerology runs on a 9-year cycle and each year has a different vibration.


1 year: Plant seeds for what you want to accomplish in the 9-year cycle.

2 year: Focus inward, nurture seeds planted in the previous year.

3 year: A creative year. Integrate the two previous years.

4 year: Set up a new foundation. Diligence and commitment.

5 year: Change. Freedom and expansion time. Surprises abound.

6 year: Home, family, and relationships. A year of responsibility.

7 year: Inner reflection and self-improvement.

8 year: Management and organization focused. Money flows in greater frequency.

9 year: Completion, endings, letting go, and rebirth.



If you are in a 1 personal year, December is a 4 month.

In this last month of the year, work hard to clean up and finish up. Come to a resolution for this very active period of your life. When you reflect over the past 11 months, think about all the seeds you’ve planted. Have you put out to the Universe all your desires for the next 9 years? If not, the energy is still with you to invest in your future. 4 is the number of a firm foundation and a great number to finish the year as you launch into 2025. Organize your space. Clear out anything unnecessary and unwanted for the next year. Focus on what you want to take with you, not what you should let go of. What burdens are you ready to release? Now is the time to work diligently with love and discipline to get things done. Stay inside your box and complete your to do list. Celebrate the holidays and the end of the year but do your work first.


If you are in a 2 personal year, December is a 5 month.

Time for a change after your hard-working month. There will be surprises, and not just under the tree. Both expected and unexpected alterations to your life are coming. Take advantage of every opportunity afforded you now. After staying in your box and working hard, you get to leap off into the unknown from the strong foundation you built. Let go of the challenging time and stay in the present moment. New horizons appear before you; don’t be afraid to blaze a new trail. Be curious and explore all of life’s offerings. Take a risk. Allow the expansive 5 vibration to flow through you and live with optimism and positivity. This is the end of your 2 year, and likely your intuition has expanded and you’ve made new relationships. Everything you have done this year will prepare you for the wonderfully creative year in 2025.


If you are in a 3 personal year, December is a 6 month

Just in time for the holidays, the home and family number 6 appears in your chart. Make it special and use all your creative talents to enjoy the holiday season. Decorate with a flair. Enjoy the fullness of this time of year with the shopping, giving and receiving energy, and reconnecting with old friends. Appreciate the creativity in all the visual lights, sights, and sounds. Family is important and will likely need you more right now. Make time for them as you complete your year of creative energy. All relationships are in focus when 6 appears, so deal with any issues as they arise. This is your last month of joyful energy before your hardworking 4 year begins in January.


If you are in a 4 personal year, December is a 7 month

After a month of service to loved ones, you have time now to rest and regenerate. 7 brings solitude energy which is necessary for inward focus. This is a perfect end of your hardworking year as you reflect and reevaluate the direction your life is going. Are you where you want to be? Have you worked hard this year? Have you completed everything you set out to do? Now is the time for inner reflection and decisions. Take care of your health, especially now. Listen to your intuition and follow your guidance. Find your inner peace. Prayer and meditation are highly beneficial now. Reflect on spiritual, mental, and physical ideals. Is there a shift you want to make going forward?

What will you change going into 2025?


If you are in a 5 personal year, December is an 8 month

The 8 vibration is money and business. Likely money will flow heavily this month, more than others. Hopefully, the energy will flow both ways, but to be sure, watch your spending. The 8 also carries authority energy and it may be time for you to step up and be the one in charge. You may be confronted or challenged, but it will all be for the purpose of personal growth. Stand your ground. This is an empowerment month and with the 5 year energy as well, brings great change to your inner vision of yourself. Face your fears. Find your courage and step outside the box. Dreams and aspirations propel you forward. Stay balanced and find harmony in all you do. Keep a positive mindset and focus on serving the greater good.


If you are in a 6 personal year, December is a 9 month

The end of the year for you also means the end of a 9-month cycle. Clean out, clear out, release, and let go of all unnecessary energy in your life. What do you want to take with you into the next year? Put your focus in a positive light rather than what you should let go of. What burdens are you no longer willing to carry? How are you different now? Can you see the extra cargo you don’t need anymore? Completions, resolutions, and receiving rewards for all your diligent efforts in 2024 appear now. Unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion are highlighted with the 9 vibration. Reflect back on your year. Did you achieve all your goals? What would you do differently now? Apply this new wisdom to the future and what you set out for yourself next year.


If you are in a 7 personal year, December is a 1 month

You are blessed with a clean slate at the end of the year and new beginnings. Time to think about what you want to manifest in the next 9 months. This has been an introspective year when you asked yourself the big questions: Am I following my bliss? Am I aligned with my dreams from the beginning of the year? Are the goals I set in my 1 year, 2017, still the same? The 7 energy brings the opportunity to go inward and reevaluate what your true manifestations are. Having a set meditation time is beneficial as you head into the very busy 8 year to come. This December and February next year are both 1 months, so you’ll have an opportunity to redefine the list later. Sit quietly and follow your guidance. Have a sense of what is important to you as you step into the 8 energy.


If you are in a 8 personal year, December is a 2 month

You were number 1 last month and now things shift into cooperation and partnership the last few weeks of the year. Focus on the details and fill in the blanks of what you’ve manifested in this busy 8 year. Follow your intuition as you connect with your Divine guidance. Cooperation and diplomacy are important as is getting along with others. 2 is a subtle energy that aligns yourself with others who can support you. Be sensitive and understanding. You may find yourself deferring to them as you work on your own aspirations. This may be an emotional holiday season, so try to keep your spirits up. Keep yourself grounded and practice your patience as you find reciprocity in all relationships. Search for harmony and balance in all you do.


If you are in a 9 personal year, December is a 3 month

The end of the year and the end of your 9-year cycle. Your last month is the most creative of the year. Use your imagination to think about what you want to create and invite into your life for the next 9 years. Be open to receive guidance and expand on the wisdom coming through. Enjoy these last few weeks of joyful celebration of the end of a cycle. This is a gift for you. Be social during the holiday season. Enjoy! Make new friends. Use your creative skills to sing, dance, write, draw or whatever is your passion. Love life and all it has to offer you. Feel the blessings of the time and connect to the Divine. 3 is a lucky number, so feel the joy of the season. Give your gifts of creation to serve humanity. End this 9-year cycle on a high note and be positive about the years to come.

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