Unlock the secrets of the Numerology of August 2024! Discover the unique vibrations and energies shaping your personal year in this insightful guide.
To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. Example: AUGUST 1 birthday = 8 +1 + 2024 (8) = 8 + 1 + 8 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8 year.
Numerology runs on a 9 year cycle and each year carries a different vibration.
1 year: Plant seeds for what you want to accomplish in the 9 year cycle.
2 year: Focus inward, nurture seeds planted in the previous year.
3 year: A creative year. Integrate the two previous years.
4 year: Set up a new foundation. Diligence and commitment.
5 year: Change. Freedom and expansion time. Surprises abound.
6 year: Home, family and relationships. A year of responsibility.
7 year: Inner reflection and self improvement.
8 year: Management and organization focused. Money flows in greater frequency.
9 year: Completion, letting go and rebirth.
If you are in a 1 personal year, August is a 9 month.
Release. Completion. What no longer serves you is coming to an end this month. You’ve had seven months of living with the 1 energy and manifesting what you want for the next 9 years. Likely, life has been busy and full. This 9 month gives you an opportunity to reassess your desires and eliminate all the unnecessary bits of your life. If you’ve done your work, a 9 month can be easy and a blessing. If you’ve ignored your intuition and procrastinated, this 9 month can be hectic. Trust whatever disappears is for the greater good and will lighten your load. Friendships may end or old habits may die. Allow and release whatever wants to go. Unconditional love and forgiveness now will benefit your journey the most. Find a moment for yourself and use your creative energy. Take time to volunteer to serve humanity in some way. Most of all, trust in the Divine in all things.
If you are in a 2 personal year, August is a 1 month.
New beginnings this month. You’ve had a number of months with the 2 energy: looking within and connecting to your Divine Guidance. You’ve likely been collaborating, mediating, and cooperating with others. The 1 energy in August gives you permission to focus on you and your desires. Don’t sit in the back seat now. These four weeks are all about manifestations and creating what you want. Take this time to be clear about your desires and invite them into your future. Have the courage and determination to set your goals and intentions for the rest of the year. You are likely to feel the drive to generate many new projects and have a busy month. Be brave and stand up for yourself now. You may be required to take a leadership role. Release what no longer serves you. You will be able to relax in September with a double number 2 vibration.
If you are in a 3 personal year, August is a 2 month.
The 3 energy boosts every creative endeavor regardless of the medium. Writing, acting, singing, dancing, or speaking are all excellent pursuits now. It’s likely to be a very social time with a full calendar of engagements. Expressing your emotions is important this year and especially in August. You may find you’re more sensitive now with the 2 vibration. Cooperation, diplomacy, and negotiation are highlighted this month, so it is a perfect time to work out relationship issues. It is a slower month as well, so you’ll have time to go inward and connect with your inner guidance. Pay attention to details and focus on balance and harmony in all you do. Take care of the little things and nurture the seeds of aspiration you planted last month. This is a time to go with the flow and not row your boat upstream. Ultimately, remember to enjoy life and make time to be playful because 2025 is a working year.
If you are in a 4 personal year, August is a 3 month.
You get a reprieve in August from all your hard work this year. In contrast to the 4 vibration, 3 is all about enjoying life and being creative. So for the next few weeks, take a break; go on a vacation and regenerate your energy. Be creative and express your imagination that’s been resting until now. Get in touch with your emotions and learn to communicate your feelings this month. This is a brief hiatus for you, but keep it simple and stay focused. Redecorate your office or redesign a project. Spend extra time journaling. You can be productive and creative at the same time if you choose. Using both the grounded, focused 4 energy and the creative 3 energy can equal wonderful results. Enjoy August because you’ll be back at it extra hard in September with both a 4 year and a 4 month in your life.
If you are in a 5 personal year, August is a 4 month.
Surprises abound in your 5 vibration year. You’ve likely experienced more expansive change this year than any other. Along with all the transitions, you have also have had many opportunities and growth experiences. If you’ve come close to the edge and are in need of stability, you’re in luck. The 5 and 4 energies balance each other well. August brings you time to pause, focus, and concentrate on getting your work done. If your imagination went wild and you began a project in July, keep your nose to the grindstone and finish it. Organization, discipline, and diligence have entered your world and will help you create a successfully rewarding month. Regaining your balance now will help you in September when you have a double 5 vibration emphasizing more expansion and freedom. If you focus all your energies and finish your projects, you will reflect back on this time with gratitude and a sense of achievement.
If you are in a 6 personal year, August is a 5 month.
Responsibility to family and other relationships has been the focus this year. 6 is all about home projects, caregiving, and dealing with others. Things shift in August with the addition of the 5, bringing expansion and forward movement. 5 is the number of change, both expected and unexpected, so look for alterations in your relationships, career, and home life. This is a good month to travel and take a family vacation. 5 means self-promotion, so find the courage to put yourself out there. If an opportunity arises, take the risk. August will be a busy month with the infusion of unpredictable events. Your best bet for an enjoyable month is to be adaptable and allow the rapid energy to flow. Things could alter entirely. September brings a double 6 into your life, so more intensity in relationships. Any changes made now are for the betterment of life. Honor your responsibilities, but remember to take care of yourself.
If you are in a 7 personal year, August is a 6 month.
2024 is an introspective year for you but the vibration shifts in August. You have had your solitude and time for self-improvement studies, but now your energy is directed toward family. 6 is the number of home, family, and relationships. Step out of yourself and join the family as it is likely they will need you more now. It is a good time to schedule a family holiday or maybe a long weekend. This is a month to elevate your intimacy in your romantic relationship too, so plan a special event for both of you. Find time to spend on a home improvement project. Search for harmony in all your relationships including your career. Your priority is to nurture the ones you love to elevate your relationship. While service to others benefits everyone, you must be sure to find time to nurture yourself. Meditation and walks in nature will do you good.
If you are in an 8 personal year, August is a 7 month.
Organization, management, business, and mastering your world is the definition of an 8 year. It’s been a busy one and full of new opportunities for you. Money has increased its flow in both directions and you’ve had to keep a lot in balance this year. August is your month to rejuvenate, relax, and regenerate your energy. A 7 month brings you inward to reevaluate your life and where you’re heading. Take this special time for introspection and connect with your intuition. Do a personal growth class or read a self-help book; do something to improve your life. You’re in a balance year, so realign your priorities to achieve inner peace this month. Improve your diet and exercise regime. Watch your health and do a body cleanse. It is your internal self you need to concentrate on now because next month, you’ll be back to managing your business life with a double 8 vibration.
If you are in a 9 personal year, August is an 8 month.
A year of completion and letting go is the definition of a 9 year. Clearing out, finishing up, and eliminating anything unnecessary in your life to ease your life. You get to balance all this releasing in August, so either you rev up your cleaning up or you relax and receive rewards for your diligent efforts so far. A 9 year can be easy if you’ve done your work previously. If not, the year can be filled with obligations left over from years 1 through 8. Your focus is on money and management and becoming your own authority. You may be asked to step up and defend yourself. Or you may receive a promotion at work. Whatever happens, know that it is bringing harmony and balance into your life. 8 is a working month and an outwardly focused one. You might find yourself standing in the limelight in a leadership role.