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The Numerology of March 2024

Writer's picture: Suzan OwensSuzan Owens
numerology of march 2024

Calculate your personal year to determine how the numerology of March 2024 impacts you individually.

To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. March 1 birthday = 3 +1 + 2024 (8)  =  3 + 1 + 8 = 11 = 2 year.

2024 is an 8 universal year for all of us. Learn more about that in our blog post 2024: Universal 8 Year. Organization, Empowerment, Money.

The 9-year Cycle of Numerology

Numerology runs on a 9-year cycle and each year has a different energy.


1 year: Plant seeds for what you want to accomplish in the 9-year cycle.

2 year: Focus inward, nurture seeds planted in the previous year.

3 year: A creative year. Integrate the two previous years.

4 year: Set up a new foundation. Diligence and commitment.

5 year: Change. Freedom and expansion time. Surprises abound.

6 year: Home, family and relationships. A year of responsibility.

7 year: Inner reflection and self-improvement.

8 year: Management and organization focused. Money flows in greater frequency.

9 year: Completion, endings, letting go and rebirth. 

Your Personal Numerology for March 2024

If you are in a 1 personal year, March is a 4 month.


This is your month to set up your foundation for the rest of the year. Implement structure to help you bring into the physical world what you wrote on your manifestation list. It is a month of resets. January was less tumultuous and February was your fun month. Now is the time to get down to work. Set yourself up to success and implement disciplines to help you create what you want. This is not a month to take risks. It is a month to work. Do not look outside the box. Keep your nose to the grindstone and get your work done. Organize both at work and home. Finish projects you started earlier and know that the 4  focus-centered energy is behind you. This is not the time to procrastinate. Pay attention to details and get your work done. You have a month of this focused determination and then your life changes next month. Take care of your health and remain positive. You will be rewarded if you are diligent now.


If you are in a 2 personal year, March is a 5 month.


This is your freedom and expansion month. In February, you got your work done and set up a solid foundation. Now is the time to expand your horizons. Change is the name of the game, both planned and unplanned. Let go of the past and be ready for surprises to come. There will be opportunities in some or all areas of your life. Are you looking for a new home, relationship, or career? This is the time to be open to possibility. Travel and adventure may be yours as well. Be curious and expand your vision. This is not the time for timidity or fear. Take risks this month because luck is on your side. Change can be positive and will elevate your level of life. Take advantage of any growth opportunities. Use the 5 energy to make changes in your diet or exercise regime. Allow the energy flow and do not row your boat upstream. A positive mindset will help your boat float in a faster energy stream.

If you are in a 3 personal year, March is a 6 month.


Responsibility is key this month with a focus on home and family. You will be needed and this is the time to be of service to your loved ones. Relationships are under the spotlight, so handle the issues as they arise. You have the 6 energy supporting you to resolve conflicts and move through to a higher level. Create harmony in all your relationships. Forgive and let go now too. Look forward, not into the past for your direction. Take your beloved on a weekend holiday. Organize your space or work on a home improvement project. Spend quality time with your children and share your wisdom. Teach them something new and bond with them. This is your month to handle all responsibilities, both at home and at work. You’ve had an expansive April and this month brings you home to get centered. Be the caregiver and nurture the ones you love. Be sure to recharge your batteries as well. You cannot give from an empty well.


If you are in a 4 personal year, March is a 7 month.


This month is about you and time to focus inward with 7 as the spiritual number. Now is the time to reflect on your beliefs. You may change some of them now. Take the spiritual path and enroll in a personal growth seminar. Do something for yourself this month. Take time for the much-needed solitude after a month of service to your family. Be introspective and develop your intuition. Strive for inner peace. Take care of your health, especially, this month. Both 4 and 7 carry health-centered energy, so now is the time to develop new diet and exercise regimes. Legal issues have a tendency to arise in both 4 and 7 months, so attend to any lawful matters. Reevaluate your direction and life and make the appropriate changes that reflect your intuitive insights. Self-awareness is key and attention to personal growth will be rewarded in the future. Rest and rejuvenate in nature. You deserve a month of soulful focus for the purpose of self-improvement.

If you are in a 5 personal year, March is an 8 month.


You are in an expansive year full of change. The 8 vibration is all about money management, business, and your personal empowerment. Also with 2024 being a Universal 8 year, you have double the organization energy this month. Your career is spotlighted this month and with the 5 expanding energy, your livelihood is likely to change. You may see a promotion or more freedom with your duties. You may have a career change or a new job entirely. March is the likely month for this to happen. Both numbers encourage you to step outside the box and take risks. Positive energy will support you. Money will flow heavily both ways this month. Try to keep a balance in your finances. You may encounter someone who disempowered you in the past. Have the courage now to stand up for yourself and be your own authority. 8 is the balance number and it is important, especially in this 5 year, to maintain an even keel throughout the month. Balance your monetary goals and your humanitarian spirit. 


If you are in a 6 personal year, March is a 9 month.


This is a year of service to home and family. Take your responsibilities seriously and enjoy your time at home. 9 is the end of the numerology cycle, so this month brings an element of completion to your life. Finish any home improvement projects you’ve begun. Clean your closets or your garage. Toss out anything unnecessary in your life right now. Lighten your load. You begin a new cycle in April, so be clear about what you want to take with you. Reflect on your past months and let go, forgive, and forget. You’re moving on next month, but take time to reap the benefits of your hard work in the past months. Clearing out gives you space for new manifestations coming. 9 is a spiritual number, so pay attention to your intuition. Meditate and make time to rejuvenate yourself, preferably in nature. Serve the greater good and accelerate your compassion and understanding. Accept the rewards that come your way now.


If you are in a 7 personal year, March is a 1 month.


New beginnings! You are number 1 this month and time to put your energy on yourself. Plant the seeds of your desires for the rest of the year. Everything you do this month affects your future. Be courageous in your manifestations and have the determination to follow them through. It’s an independent month and you will be asked to step into a leadership role. There are many new opportunities as well, so be fearless and take advantage of them. What is it that you really want in your life? Make your lists of must-haves, what you would like, and your wildest dreams. Let your imagination go and don’t sensor yourself. This is an outwardly focused, busy month. Time will go quickly, so be clear and decisive. The 7 energy carries inward focus, so take time to meditate and follow your intuition. 7 is the health number and with 1 giving you an opportunity for starting over, a new diet or exercise regime may work well.


If you are in an 8 personal year, March is a 2 month.


This is an 11/2 month. Pay attention to your Intuition! Life will slow a little after a fast paced February. Now is the time to nurture the seeds you planted last month. 2 is the number of cooperation and partnership which means it is important to listen to others. Last month was all about you; now is the time for collaboration and mediation. You may be more sensitive, but try to stay detached and view it from a distance. This is a month to go inward, so develop a relationship with your intuition and listen to it. The 2 energy supports a deeper connection to the Divine. The 8 is organization and prosperity, so tend to the details of your previous manifestations and fill in the blanks. You will need this introspection time to plan your year. Both numbers require balance so keep your equilibrium. Money will flow more this year, so be sure to watch your bank balance. 8 is the number for authority and someone may try to usurp yours this month. Diplomacy is key. 


If you are in a 9 personal year, March is a 3 month.


Allow your creativity to pour out of you. Both 3 and 9 are creative numbers, so let the energy flow. Any artistic endeavor is an excellent use of your time. Expand your imagination and have fun this month. 3 energy brings joy, luck and yes, even potential prosperity. It is an 8 universal year, so money is a major focus. Watch your finances. This is a social month and likely a busy one. You can still be productive, just don’t get distracted and lose your focus. A little discipline helps both 3 and 9 energies go a long way. Emotions may run high too, so deal with issues as they arise. Letting go is paramount in a 9 year and with a creative mind, you may see what is necessary and unnecessary in your life. Your intuition is heightened this year, don’t sensor yourself and listen with an open heart. Express yourself. Connect to the Divine. Keep a positive mindset and everything will fall into place.

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